
My introduction to photography was when I was given our old family camera to record a young but growing family and, after taking a few snaps, decided there must be some way to improve the quality of the pictures from a box Brownie. Progressing, I bought a Russian SLR camera (the well known and solid Russian Zenit-E). M first attempts started a love of photography that has lasted ever since.

Always looking for answers and ways to improve my photography I joined our local camera club to learn and was soon entering competitions and exhibitions with a moderate degree of success in both. My next step was to apply for membership of The Royal Photographic Society and on being admitted soon gained a Licentiate distinction.

While studying photography at Brunel University in Uxbridge on a part time basis, I learned both the discipline of working in a darkroom as well as image design and composition.

Before the advent of digital I worked exclusively with medium and large format cameras developing film and printing all my pictures at home. I now use digital cameras and have learned to embrace the creative/editing techniques in Lightroom and PhotoRaw that were not possible in the darkroom.  I still do all my own printing using Epson printers and Canson paper.

My work has been published in photographic magazines, newspapers and some of my images have been used by The Royal Photographic Society for their publicity material.

With a passion for the outdoors, and an endless appreciation for fine art I have been enjoying photographing the world around me.

Our local town council has received a gift of land, about 27 hectares, with the purpose of turning it into a nature park. The re-wilding of an ancient meadow is not accomplished in just a few days, or even months but will take years to mature. Recording the rewilding of Cornmill meadow will be an on going project that I am presently, exploring the change that will happen to both flora and fauna.

Copyright © 2025 Ian Bailey. All rights reserved